Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I really need some new images for the website and the shop. Since I have much shiny to sell now, and there is more on the way. I am currently toying with the idea of making a big box of product along with a smaller box of props (laquered stones, bottles, pieces of slate &c) and taking them to Elise. I might even leave a note to explain - 'take pictures of all of these things. Make them pretty. Have fun!' - or something like that.

Maybe that is a bit mean, and I shoud just do it myself. But left to my own devices I might just hang them all over a pea plant and take one big picture. Which would be fun, but not very productive.

I have lots of orders that I am looking forward too, but not enough to make me feel rushed off my feet. Which is nice for a change. So I have tidied the kitchen properly, and the bedroom has been re-organised. That gives me two clear rooms I can chill out in - and we have had proper food this week too. It also means that I need to fill my working day with things, but things that can be dropped if I get really busy. Like taking pictures of stock, or weaving jewellery. That way I maintain my working week and it's not such a shock to the system if I get astoundingly busy again. Which seems to happen if I take on an experimental project, like working in leather.

Ms Pipkin is back from the wedding now so I will pop through to Dundee next week for a chat and a coffee. I'm up visiting Mum and Dad this weekend for wedding things and to collect maps of NY for my trip away at the end of the month.

There is a Drill Ride display at riding this week, which I offered to take part in. We are trying to recruit new members to the Angus Riding Club. It's fun. You should join. Mrs Sandison and I are heading up early to get the horses all shiny. So busy day, but not much work done again. Also I feel like I have lost a week somewhere.

I'll catch up with myself eventually.

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