Thursday, February 12, 2009


Yes, it finally made it to Arbroath (and apparently Dundee). It took a roundabout route via the Highlands and Inverness, but it has at last graced us with it's presence.

Which would be lovely, except i had a Dr's appointment this morning and the roads have not been cleared. Oh well, that can be sorted by phonecall. Lunch in Dundee may be interesting. I have a few hours before I need to pop on my warm socks and new boots and worry about that though.

I'm still very hormonal. The hormones aren't making me depressed so much any more though. I only hate being pregnant for about an hour every day now. (shock horror, it's been said out loud!)

Yep, for the most part since Christmas being pregnant has sucked horribly. I bypassed all that second trimester energy and bouncy anti-natal glow. You're not allowed to say so though. Pregant women are entitled to sit with their feet up, but not announce out loud that they are miserable, lonely and gut wrenchingly helpless. Don't do it to yourself. Trust me, this is not for the faint hearted.

Thankfully I have the most wonderful GP in the world, and he signed me off work without a second word about it. Made me feel normal, without me even having to say how crazy I was feeling. We laughed about how the Midwives can't really cope with women crying their eyes out, so I'd best hide the crazy from them. It's a cool conspiracy and now I've gone and blown it wide open. Oops.

I'm not actually sorry though.

So today I chat to the GP on the phone and get the last two weeks sick leave I need before I start my Maternity leave from work. (You know, it's been a month and they haven't even called to ask how I am doing.) Then at some point soon I'll take Adam into town and collect my things from the office, since I can't quite face going in alone.

Maybe soon I'll be able to cope with other happy, glowing pregnant ladies and I'll head back to the Aquanatal fitness class I should be going to. I'm aiming for next week, but we'll see.

I wonder if they are pretending too.

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