Friday, May 29, 2009

When life just piles it on.

So, I'm sort of getting the hang of this. Feeding, playing, napping and sleeping myself when Samuel does. Feeding is the hardest thing. Samuel was getting fussy and only eating every couple of hours, which is totally exhausting. We have changed teats and seem to be getting on a lot better. So now I'm just waiting for the next growth spurt when everything will change again. Still, it's great for just now. All in all Samuel is a lovely baby. Now he's not hungry the entire time, he has little awake moments waving his arms around 'bringing in the planes' as Granny Jo calls it; proper sleeps; his poo is getting less hard - although we still try and get some boiled water into him every so often; and Mummy can sort of predict his behaviour a little bit (based on gurgles and movements more than timescales, but it's good)

Annoyingly for me, however, I have taken badly to my iron tablets and after only two doses I have the voms and runs. This is especially annoying since watery runs don't wait for a 11 day old baby to be done winding. At least once, Samuel has been dropped back in his moses basket, hurredly wrapped up safe and warm while Mummy dashes uncerimoniously to the loo. GP was lovely about everything, changed my tablets and advised me rest(!) and lots of water. Things seem a little improved today, managed toast without insta-cramping (Although light cramping did set in about half an hour later. It's gone now.)

So I'm off for a shower while Samuel has his morning nap. I should get my head down too since Grandad and Uncle James will be here this afternoon, so a later nap will be out of the question. Daddy Grey will be home both days this weekend, which I am really looking forward to and we might even spend some time just having a cuddle, which I think I have really missed this last week with being so tired. Yep, a cuddle from Grey is probably all the cure I need.

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