Friday, May 01, 2009

Still Pregnant

I'm not going to moan about this too much, since having Button arrive on time is infinately better than the torment of having ones bump arrive too early. However, I'm feeling nausiated (I think that's right) all the time, my indigestion is back (even though Button has moved down, which should give me more space - ha ha!) I basically sleep in 2 hour chuncks now and I'm feeling just a little bit fed up.

This is all normal apparently, but doens't make it likable. Hrumph.

I read an OK book the other day. Jumper which was mostly about a young lad coming to terms with abuse in a normal, reactive way. It was refreshing and well written. Even if he did have a super power :). If you have a spare few hours, I reccomend it.

We also were introduced to Dominion the card/board game. It is really, really good fun and one of the most interesting board games I have come across in recent times. The mechanics are anally simple, but every game is unique and a challenge to play. The game itself, however, is totally indescribable in a way that expresses this properly. It's by Rio Grande and costs around £30 / $50 which is a lot for a game. Basically if there is a gaming shop near you, see if you can get in on a game. It'll be worth it just to see how badly you are going to want to own a copy.

That's about it really. Now I'm starving so off for some breakkie.

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